Hello ! Today before lunch we didn't do much. After lunch we took the bus to my grandmother's brother's house. They invited us because they wanted to give my brother and me our birthday presents. As I don't think they will see us more this summer. I find that really nice of them to want to do that. They had baked a cake, we also ate other stuff such as cinnamon rolls. They are always the people in our family who invites and fixes celebrations such as Easter and Christmas. So when we got there, we ate the really nice cakes and cinnamon rolls. After that, we got our presents. Then we just talked. On our way home we went by this DVD store and I bought PLL. After we got home my mum and her sister came back, and we all sat on the balcony eating watermelon. Then we ate dinner. It was a really nice day. I also just wanted to say, you will see a picture of my japanese socks I wore. Hihi quite random!
Here is what I got for a present: Body butter, shower crème and roll on perfume.
The Japanese socks I wore.
When we are eating watermelon on the balcony.
// Klara
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